Twitter is slowly going into great passion among everyone. This creation is one of the most prominent social networks ever. Well, in order to improve Twitter connections, follow-ups are of great value. Today, I will guide you on how you can add follow buttons from official Twitter network to improve your connections.
How To Add Twitter Follow Button In WordPress
Just as I tweeted one of my blog posts yesterday, I saw a link saying up Add a Twitter Follow Button on your site. The status was linked up to this (follow up the link to proceed).
As you click on the link, you’ll be directed to the Twitter Buttons page where you’ll get many settings categorized on different button formats. There will be 4 different options:
Follow button
Hashtag button
Mention button
You’ll get different options for different styles of button. I won’t go very deep into all. You can have a view over all of them through the link given above. For this guide, I am using the ‘Mention’ style (you can choose anyone you like).
Basic Options
As of the features and options, there are a few noticeable ones. Like, you can select the button you want to display over the button. Like the default will be ‘Tweet to @SUPPORT’ (you can change the ‘Support’ to whatsoever name you want). Like I am choosing SenseBin. So in the first blank space of Tweet To: to you or your blog’s name.
Also, if you want to enlarge the size of the Follow button from Twitter. All you have to do is tick the ‘Large’ option up and as per I’ve observed, the follow button’s size increases up to twice the default size. Not only one or two, but Twitter offers up to 20 different languages for the button, helping you add your native language. The languages include English, Hindi, French, Japanese, Spanish and many others!
How To Execute
As the Twitter buttons window shows, you just have to copy the code programmed according to the changes you made and paste it over the section where you want to paste the code. You can post the code on different locations like Single post.php, home.php, header.php, or footer.php. Here you go with the code:
Divyansh Peswani is a 14 years old web enthusiast and the founder of Currently studying in 7th grade in Agra (India), I love writing all about technology including web apps, tech trends and the latest buzzes all over the world. I am an avid blogger and a passionate writer.
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