All of us are very well known to the importance of Link Building in driving passive and targeted traffic to a blog. Over the ages, this term has simplified, one by one and today, it has reached to it’s easiest stage! Simple…target blogs, find suitable keywords, anchor links with them and BANG ON! Traffic begins!
In one of his recent polls, Neil Patel questioned if Link Building is the future of SEO or not? Man…I personally don’t think so! I mean, I’m not saying link building is of no use but yes, over the past few years, it’s importance have come down gradually. But I’m not here to discuss it’s importance but today, I’m sharing with you an advanced strategy I s once used in one of my older blog to increase it’s traffic spikes, certainly like a superman!
P.S. The method I used was NOT link building!
How I drove targeted traffic with 0 work!
The trick was really very simple and will be explaining it in a very short way. Have you heard the term “Blogger’s Outreach”? If not, it means connecting with fellow bloggers of your niche, through varied mediums, mainly your blog.
So what I mean here is, a list post can do the work for you. All you have to do is find out a suitable topic discussing about a problem most of your readers are suffering from. Let your readers know the opinions of other experts.
No matter a discussion, controversial, tribute or appreciation, this technique will ALWAYS work!
Why to follow this?
- Everyone, including you, loves to receive honour. Some people may even actually care for it to read out what’s shared inside and say “Thanks” to you, and I bet that there can’t be a better technique to make friends than this!
- These posts are actually very useful. Anyone who is interested in your niche would love to have a list of the top players and get to know everyone and their importance to the industry.
And not only visitors, but keep a track on your comments feed. I’m sure this strategy will fill up your comment section with thanks and appreciation. I bet on it!
For example, you may take on this excellent post by Jade Craven on titled, 50 Netsetters You Should Know About.
Taking the standards to the “NEXT” level
Everything in this world has a standard level and that level could have been taken to the next level. Same goes for this one! A standard list post is something in which you mention numerous bloggers or marketers, along with, maybe, a short description about them. But that’s NOT what your readers want to read.
In order to make it worth reading, you gotta take it to the “NEXT” level, and to do that, you need to add some extra value to it! This, can only be done when along with featuring that expert, you place a quote from his/her mouth itself. Having a quote from each of the people does a few extra things like:
- It increases the social proof of the post, DEFINITELY!
- It surely increases the chances of getting your post viral. Today, every second site is going with this method, why? Because it is likely the one format of post which is shared the most! In order to successfully make it go viral, you have to separately contact every blogger you’re featuring, in a professional, and give them the follow-ups until the post is successfully published!
- And most importantly, your connections. No doubt such posts will take your social share track to a whole new level but will also leave an impact over your connections with the fellows. Such articles do express your professionalism in a very attractive way! And I’m sure if you’ve opted this method earlier, you’re getting hell lot of help from this!
So if the ‘old-age’ methods like guest posting or Link building aren’t working for you, go on with this! And trust me, it works!
Cheers and a happy sunday!
– The Sensible Guy! 😀
Thanks for the compliment Anneswan!