Chip Giant Intel recently unveiled their new app namely True Key that helps one open public websites like Gmail and Facebook with Facial expressions!
The app was publicized this weekend at the CES 2015. The app is to be launched in February. The app is applicable for Windows and Android devices, but not gadgets pre-loaded with iOS software.
The app will work only for devices having a camera in it. All you have to do to utilize this app is to download the app, click your picture and upload it as your facial password. Now, instead of putting up lengthy passwords on password-detection website, your face can work out too!
The major reason for launching this website was to help the people reduce the problem of forgetting important passwords.
“Our goal is the elimination of passwords altogether,” says Mark Hocking, a vice president with Intel Security.
Here’s what Manish Tangri, Director, New Business, Perceptual Computing, Intel Corporation has to say for this app:
“Intel is driving exciting advances in security and biometrics. Our collaboration with Cognitec is a key ingredient in enabling secure yet easy-to-use, face-based authentication capabilities for consumers and enterprises.”
Besides chips working for Android and Windows wear, Intel has its surprising hands over security systems too. The company has programmed McAfee antivirus software, and in December, bought Montreal-based password manager PasswordBox for an undisclosed sum.
Want to book your spot for TrueKey App or test it now? Sign up now through my referral link.
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