Yesterday afternoon, as I got up from my desk, I came across a disaster. A devastating news that totally shocked me to my core! I got to know what exactly happened with Nepal and as I read it, I was like, GOD, why them? Since then I’ve been looking for ways to donate for the poor and needy and one of my friends online (Krishna Moorthy) started a donation initiative to help the quake survivors. Here’s how it goes!
- Use ‘Pay What You Want’ to Donate the amount you like
- Minimum amount is Just Rs. 10
- Your details will not be used in any manner
The total death number has crossed over 2,000 and the people there barely needs us. being a neighboring country it’s our duty to help them in their hard times. So don’t waste time, click on this PayUMomeny campaign link and donate as much as you can, PLEASE!
A responsible Indian.
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