WOW! Seems Awesome, right?
From 2nd February onwards, McDonalds will launch their new payment plans in forms of selfies and hugs from their customers. In this scheme, customers can pay for their food in forms of ‘lovin’ i.e. showing love. Here, lovin includes hugs and selfies.
Customers who’ve come to McDonalds and ordered food can contest in this challenge. Here, the McDonalds officials will select any one family or group of all the contestants and the winner will be given a task i.e. a hug or a selfie and that will be the fee of those customers.
“From selfies, hugs to high fives – we have a bunch of fun ways to express your Lovin’,” a McDonald’s spokeswoman told ABC News.
The offer is named to besuperbowl and will run in the stores up to 14th February. McDonald’s has reportedly paid $4.5 million for their new ad to air during the Superbowl.
The promotion of this offer started from an ad for Superbowl, showing how it will work!
“That will be five hugs, please.”
Didn’t understand Nik?
it is similar to “That will be five dollars, please.”
thats a huge bonus for a foodie like me…. breakfast and lunch in McD’s now…. m loving itttttt