Nextbit has been creating a huge amount of buzz in the Indian smartphone market over the past few months with it’s Robin smartphone, said to offer unlimited cloud storage. Today, Nextbit officially launched the Nextbit Robin smartphone in India at a price of Rs. 19,999. The phone will be available exclusively at Flipkart from May 30th.
The Nextbit Robin comes with a 5.2-inch of display with 1080p display with Qualcomm Snapdragon 808 processor, 3GB RAM and 32GB internal storage. It has got a 13MP camera with phase-detection autofocus, with a 5-megapixels of front-facing camera.
The phone runs Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow OS with the custom ROM by Nextbit. You have got 4G LTE with NFC support also under the shed. A 2680mAh battery is packed up inside it with quick charging support in it. There is a fingerprint scanner on the front bottom of the Nextbit Robin for security.
CEO and Co-Founder of Nextbit Tom Moss was really very excited about this launch and said “India is home to the second largest smartphone market in the world and it’s hard to ignore. Robin’s premium design and performance are a natural fit for such a demanding market. Our commitment to fast OS updates and our unique smart storage is perfect for people who constantly want more from their phone.”
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