Nowadays, the trend of making money out of YouTube is getting bigger than other sources of making money online. However, such kind of things actually doesn’t depend on one’s age, and this is proved by these two young girls.
Today, I’m covering the story of Charli, a 9-year-old girl who can truly be called a YouTube star and well, she makes more than you can ever think! But the story began here. Recently, AdAge published a report where they mentioned the top YouTube earners of the year as per their estimated earnings.
In the report, they mentioned the top earners from every niche and category which had a channel named CharlisCraftyKitchen on the top of Food niche. On going deep, and thanks to the story being shared on BusinessInsider, we got to know that the channel is run by a 9-year old girl called Charli.
According to Outrigger’s estimates, Charli’s channel generates an average of $127,777 in ad revenue per month. That’s taking into account YouTube’s cut of revenue. The channel gets an average of 29 million views each month – in March, it had 29,133,270.
Charli began making her videos in 2012, when she was 6. Her five-year-old sister Ashlee also plays a role as chief taste tester. The girls have made tutorials for everything from Minnie Mouse Oreo pops to jello popsiclesinspired by “Frozen.”
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