So today Google had their show of the year, the Google I/O, and it was pretty good! Like we had several announcement that just piped all of us with, amm, HYPE! And well there were a lot of announcements, but these are the top 3 of them! No. 1 Instant Apps So keep this thing […]
Google Unveils Duo, A Video-Calling Service That Can Work On Super Slow Internet Connections
Google’s I/O was rocking, we had lots and lots of new things unveiled, including Search giant’s messaging app, Allo, but in addition to that they also launched a new video calling solution, which may stand out of the crowd because it is specialized to work in extremely slow internet connections too, so interesting! Google’s Duo […]
Google Announces Google Home, a voice-activated Home Speaker – An End To Amazon Echo?
So recently at Google I/O, Google made several announcements including the launch of the new Google home, a voice-activated home speakers which will surely bring about a tough competition to the product that had been ruling this era for long, the Amazon Echo speakers. The newly announced Google Home would not just perform simple tasks […]